Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Trip to SF

We took Simone on her first plane flight for a trip to San Francisco this past weekend.  She did just fine on the plane - loved the stimulation, and no crying from her ears.  We visited Ben's cousin Rachel and my cousins Rebecca and Brian.  Both have young babies and it was fun to see them interact.  Here is a video of baby Lila with Simone at the Ferry Building:

 We also got a fun shot of Brian playing with Kelsie.  You gotta love the quote from Brian at the end!

Thursday, February 23, 2012


discovered Simone crawling in her  crib just after I put her down for bedtime! she just got up on her knees and with her head down moved forward. there is definitely less friction in her crib than on the carpet, but this was a total surprise. during the day she will rarely ever try crawling. big day for Mama!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I told you...

I don't like that!  This is one of her more hilarious faces.  When she is laughing in the video, it's because I started making the same face.

Simone in her big girl stroller

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The common cold

Hi all,
I've finally figured out how to upload from my phone, which will make it much easier to post videos. However, there does not seem to be a way to make the video bigger on the blog.  I figured it out by right clicking on the video and selecting "watch on You Tube".  From there, you can watch it on your full screen.

In other Simone news, this has been one of our more challenging weeks.  She developed a cold (probably from daycare) and had a fever of 102 all day Sunday.  She slept probably 20 hours that day!  Since then, she has been basically fine, but has yucky runny congestion which makes it hard to eat.  Combined with a loss of appetite from a cold, she has been eating about half of what she normally takes in, so I have been feeding her when she wakes up in the middle of the night.  I haven't had to do this for a while, so it's a bit of a drag, but a small price to pay to get her healthy again.  On top of that, she woke up with what seemed to be pain from teething.  I'm writing this at 2AM after a feeding - not much sleep this week!

With all of that, you wouldn't believe that the video below was taken today.  As you can see, she's just fine!

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