Thursday, February 17, 2011

First Post!

Welcome to the Blog of Belly Dylla!  At our wedding, our good friend called Ben and I "Belly" (Kelly and Ben) in his best man speech.  It was funny then, but now we have a legitimate reason to use the name, as my own belly is getting bigger by the day!  So until the baby is born, she shall be named "Belly" on this blog.

Why start a blog now?  Well, you can thank my mom.  The other day, my mom sent me an email asking if Ben and I could start to create some videos of our journey with pregnancy.  That seemed like a good idea, given that she's a million miles away in Texas, and then I realized other people might want to know a little about Belly too, so why not share the pictures and videos with all of our family and friends?  Facebook won't cut it, as I have so many work-related folks as friends, and I'm sure they don't want to see some of the pictures I'll post over the coming weeks and months.

So... here we go!

We took this picture just this past weekend at our good friends (Naomi and Jonathan Haney's) new home in Redwood City, CA.  They have a beautiful 18 month old girl named Claire and the Haney's had a lot of good advice to share with us.  Tips included which stroller and car seat to buy (Grecco is the way to go for car seats) and what not to bother spending a lot of money on, as you can get many things at second hand shops.  The best was when Ben tried on the Baby Bjorn and we tested it out with Ms. Piggy.  Ben is definitely ready to go!


  1. Hi Kelly & Ben! Kelly, your dad invited me to follow... so here I am! This will be a great adventure for you as well as the rest of us... and unlike other Dyllas... I'll be leaving comments. Love to you both. We're so excited about "Belly's" upcoming appearance...

  2. Excellent! Comments are always good, cause how else will I know if you've visited the site?? Thanks for following!
