Saturday, March 12, 2011

Registry Galore!

So we finally had some time today to work on the registry.  We tried to make it a fun project that we could do together. Ben had fun going through consumer reports - very helpful!  

We got a lot done today - the crib, stroller, car seat, some cute onesies (I hear that is all you really need).  I'm still looking for kimono-style tops and onsies that have hand covers attached.  As always, any advice is most welcome!

Here is another belly pic from today at 25 weeks!  You can definitely see growth since just a week or so ago. 


  1. Kelly you look great! (you too Ben!)...

  2. Ben and Kelly, Denise and I are both enjoying your Belly Blog. We are sitting in the Living Room w our laptops checking out Belly's progress. Ben!...LOVE your pictures! Both kinds...those you take and those you are in. Glad the Consumer Reports website worked out for you to do your research on the baby-equipment.
    We look forward to your next post.
